Friday, November 18, 2016

Photo videos

1. I choose the two videos I did because I knew the name Andy Warhol but didn't know much about him so I figured that video would allow me a chance to learn more about a figure I sorta knew about. With the video on Hockney it was also about photography so i wanted to see the difference from that to Warhols works.
2. The key item in the video about Warhol was to show about his famed images of the same faces in many different contexts. To demonstrate how they begin as a negative of a picture to become a multiple variation image. Hockney's video also went into the demonstration of his ability with  camera to create works of art. It showed how he took pictures over years to create images within images.
3. The videos really were able to demonstrate how the camera and pictures have changed the world of art and whats viewed to be art in the recent path. Art isn't just the paintings and sculptures of the past it can be something as simple and complex as a still image captured in time and space.
4. I found the videos to be extremely interesting. They had a ton of information on a newer and interesting topic such as pictures, these videos helped make for a interesting look at the assignment we did early in the semester taking pictures to show elements of art.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Spanish art and Dada and Surrealism

1. I choose the videos on Spanish art and Dada and Surrealism because they give a true look into the mindset of the artist and the time period. They have a much darker but more real view on the life of the time. The art works created where that similar only to that possibly of the dark ages.
2. For the Spanish video is was shocking to see how many famous artist came out of the same era and place people such as Pablo Picasso and Dali to be living and creating works of art in the same time is amazing. Also its impressive to see the outside influences of the world on their works such as influences from France. For the video on Dada and Surrealism it was clear the darkness of the works of art. They were meant to demonstrate the grim realities often faced by everyone in life.
3. The video about Spanish art was good at furthering the understanding of how art in that area developed off of one another. Such as great artist being learned under by other future great artist. It demonstrated how the art forms in that area would develop and lead into Surrealism in other European areas.
4. I enjoyed both films and found them to be beneficial in deeping my understanding of each concept in place. However I believe the video on Surrealism could have been better put together it didn't flow together each section made it harder to see the links between them rather than having clear lines between the styles.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

mask project

Black man sticking his tongue out
1. This piece is clear the use of color to make the mask mostly black. I wonder if its done with the intention of it representing it being created in a dark time period. Or does the bight red of the tongue represent the importance of other human features. Theres a clear use of lines in the mask across the face of it, they seem to demonstrate a focus on a aging face.

Classic mask from the Amazon
2. This mask its clear to see its bases from the Amazon. It looks like it blends with the environment. The mask has symmetrical lines on it. The face of it is the exact same no matter the side. Even with  the reddish color of the mask it still has no outstanding color that pops off the page.

3. I found this mask and choose to use it due to its extreme complexity. It has so many colors but there isnt a main color that sticks out more than the rest. It has patterns all over it cut by definitive lines to separate the varying patterns.

The finished mask I made is a example of use of color. I mostly used simple colors for the larger portions this allows for the other colors to pop more. I made the nose structure the most predominate part of the face, there is no structure for a mouth. This was done to fit the use of the mask. It would be used in a manner to hide any and all identifying features of the person who wears it.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Buddhism and Hinduism

1. I choose to watch the videos on Buddhism and Hinduism because i had previously learned about both of these religions in my past. For me this offered a new chance to learn more about them and to see how they use art to futher there understanding and worship of the religion itself. Also im close friends with someone who is Buddhist and I found it interesting to see a comparison between what i have learned from them to what I was shown in the videos.
2. For the video on Buddhism it was clear that the main point of focus in the art they use to show respect for Buddha was large temples with pictures and sculptures of Buddha himself or images of the many forms Buddha can take. However for Hinduism there is much less of a emphasis on images to define the religion with the focus of the religion being that nothing in this world can be taken with you, they make much simpler places of worship than the massive complexes for Buddhism.
3. The video on Buddhism explained many things from the reading in further. The one thing i noticed that it expanded on was, how Buddha and Buddhism attracted followers from all walks of life. To Ensure all of the followers where able to understand clearly upon reaching the temples of worship they were designed with sculptures to explain the life of Buddha. This way even those who were unable to read could see first hand and understand the walking life of the Buddha. The video on Hinduism was able to show how those who follow Hinduism are more likely to adapt the idea of not one life but millions of years of life. So they firmly believe they cant take material items with them into the next life. This thought causes them to be more likely in there art work to be more simplistic or if they are complex it often is to show the path to the next life through reincarnation.
4. I felt the films were extremely helpful in giving a basic understanding of Buddhism and Hinduism. Both films were able to very clearly explain the main focus of the religion and the efforts went to by each to demonstrate the love for the religion and how they worship it. Also both videos were able to show the difference between Buddhism and Hinduism which are often thought to be the same or extremely similar when in fact they both have large differences. All in all I found the videos to be very useful.