Sunday, November 6, 2016

mask project

Black man sticking his tongue out
1. This piece is clear the use of color to make the mask mostly black. I wonder if its done with the intention of it representing it being created in a dark time period. Or does the bight red of the tongue represent the importance of other human features. Theres a clear use of lines in the mask across the face of it, they seem to demonstrate a focus on a aging face.

Classic mask from the Amazon
2. This mask its clear to see its bases from the Amazon. It looks like it blends with the environment. The mask has symmetrical lines on it. The face of it is the exact same no matter the side. Even with  the reddish color of the mask it still has no outstanding color that pops off the page.

3. I found this mask and choose to use it due to its extreme complexity. It has so many colors but there isnt a main color that sticks out more than the rest. It has patterns all over it cut by definitive lines to separate the varying patterns.

The finished mask I made is a example of use of color. I mostly used simple colors for the larger portions this allows for the other colors to pop more. I made the nose structure the most predominate part of the face, there is no structure for a mouth. This was done to fit the use of the mask. It would be used in a manner to hide any and all identifying features of the person who wears it.

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