1. I choose the video on Albrecht Durer and the one on Velazquez because they are two who I have heard little or none about so I wanted to use this as a chance to make my knowledge of different artist great than only learning about a few. In choosing these two I not only learned about different artist but I learned about lesser known topics such as prints and the different ways both respectively did portraits of people. Durer was highly skilled in demonstrating extreme detail in the age faces of those who he painted and Velazquez was skilled in demonstrating the human aspect of someone who at the time was seen to be less human due to deformities.
2.Both artist were influenced by Italian ideas in there works. Both men had spent time studying the ways of former Italian artist to achieve the ability to simulate the works they were creating. Durer was a very instinctual artist he relied less on scientific fact than his own ideas and thoughts. However Velazquez saw things in a light that was unintentionally scientific in my eyes, With his paintings of the gestures he was humanizing and painting people with deformities for what they were as people.
3. The videos helped to make the connections explained in the reading such as the fact Velazquez worked for the king and all pieces he was asked to created went through Velazquez first despite him working under the king he still was able to do things the way he choose too. The video for Durer showed first hand his influence by going and spending time in Italy in his art work. It gave a chance to see his pieces and how that influence stood out.
4. I felt the videos were very helpful in this case, They were able to offer a much deeper understanding of overall artist in the time period of the Renaissance. Also it showed how many artist from this time were heavily influenced by Italian works. Also they gave me a incite into artist I previously knew very little about and now learning more about them has made them all the more interesting to me.
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